When most people think of the Pocono Mountains they are probably thinking of Skiing and snowmobiling in the winter and swimming and boating in the summer. I have had many of my clients ask is there any wild life in the area and my reply is absolutely, We have a diverse amount of wildlife here on the Pocono plateau. Most people have seen the Deer, Raccoons, and Geese but when I mention Bear ,Coyote, Bald Eagle, and River Otter they kind of look at me like I'm pulling their leg. The Pocono Mountains is a great place to Live, Vacation and get away from it all. It is also a place were many of Penns Woods wildlife still roam. A lot of our homes here in the Poconos are in communities with Lakes, Pools and Club Houses but what most people don't realize is that most communities are surrounded by either State Game Lands, State Forest or large tracts of undeveloped lands. With the amount of open land we have here it only makes sense that our wildlife friends are close by. There are also a number of Preserves in the area.The Thomas Darling preserve and the Austin T Blakeslee Natural area in Blakeslee just to name a few. So if your looking for a home that Borders State land CLICK HERE.
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